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Sparhawk Infant & Nursery

Jade Class Bewilderwood Stories

Friday 10th July 2015

This week in Jade Class we have been to Bewilderwood and have planned stories based on our experiences of the Treehouse Adventure park.

We have also been looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy, a famous collage artist. We have been using natural materials, man-made materials and technology to recreate his artwork.

Ruby Class Hilltop Residential

Friday 10th July

Ruby Class had a fantastic time on their residential trip to Hilltop. They tried abseiling, archery, climbing and orienteering, they went on the assault course and the small zipper.

Diamond Class Outside Fun

Friday 26th June 2015

We have been having so much fun outside in the sunshine. We have been making special potions, digging holes to make muddy puddles in the mud kitchen and then seeing how many jumps it takes to empty the hole of water. We have been looking for minibeasts and making special homes for them. We are really good at making sure we take care of them and do them no harm.

We also had so much fun making our Father’s day cards. These had a superhero theme! We hope you like them.

Emerald Class Story Café

Friday 5th June

Our story café this week had a focus on writing. We read the story ‘The Fish Who Could Wish’. We really enjoyed teaching all of the adults about the story hands and high five sentences that we use! We were all very proud of the fish that we made and we thought very carefully about our wishes!