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Sparhawk Infant & Nursery

Ukrainian Appeal

As a school we have been shocked by the Ukraine conflict and are sure that you have been
too. We have been thinking of what we could do to help these people in crisis.

Please see letter for a list of items we are collecting.

Please leave donations, however big or small, in the boxes found in the foyer. The closing
date for collections is Friday 11th March.

Ukraine appeal 2.3.2022

World Book Day – Thursday 3rd March

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are very excited to share that World Book Day is on Thursday 3rd March. We will be doing lots of exciting activities on the day and during the week and would love for your child to dress up as their favourite character from a story or dress up in their pyjamas on the Thursday (3rd March). We will also be doing lots of fantastic activities in school including possibly having an author visit, creating our own bookmarks and setting up an open mic stage outside to share our own stories at breaktimes and lunchtimes.

Due to the unpredictability of COVID we will be announcing further details after half term, however, we would love to invite you in to share books with your child on the following days Tuesday 1st March, Wednesday 2nd March and Friday 4th March at 230pm. It would be lovely for you to bring a book/s from home.

Finally we would love for you to join in with our Extreme Reading campaign – we would love to have photos uploaded onto Tapestry of all the weird and wonderful places you can read. For example Miss Whitlam likes to read under the table with her dog Bruce and Mrs Munday loves to read in Ralph’s ball pit! Feel free to upload these during half term or up until World Book Day.

Thank you for all your continued support,

Mrs Munday and Miss Whitlam


NORSE World Book Day Menu

World Book Day Menu Poster – 3rd March 2022

Recycling at Sparhawk

Sparhawk Infant and Nursery School has joined the Terracycle Recycling Scheme.

This means that not only are we helping the environment by reducing what would usually end up as landfill waste, but we can also do so whilst earning points which can translate into funds for the school. Its win win!!

Have a look at the poster to see what we can recycle.